The American Petroleum Institute (API) just got caught astroturfing. The biggest fossil fuel trade organization now wants to stage events to undermine the climate bill.
They want to further prop up carbon fuel usage prior to the climate change treaty in Copenhagen in December. API President Jack Gerard sent out a memo to their members - oil, gas and coal companies - that was so blatant that one member leaked it to Greenpeace. API said they will provide API the up-front resources to contract “a highly experienced events management company that has produced successful rallies for presidential campaigns, corporations and interest groups.”
API is acting parallel to the work of American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE) who forged letters to Congress and has started teabagger efforts to disrupt Town Hall meetings We do not know how long or how deep this goes or whether they share the services of the DC lobbying firm Bonner & Associates. After a long and effective history of astroturfing, Bonner has been caught falsifying lobbying letters using the name and stationery of others - in this case the NAACP.
Not content to just deliver energy products, the fossil fuel industry has tasked trade organizations and PR firms with funding deceptive scams to fraudulently lobby against the pending energy bill.
These domestic oil, gas and coal companies deserve blame, having delivered most of the CO2 emissions responsible for our catastrophic global warming. For decades they have intentionally cultivated scientific ignorance and now the latest fraudulent public relations deception demonstrates a treasonous disregard for the future of all humans.

The carbon fuel industry has been lying, cheating, defrauding Congress. deceitfully manipulating public opinion - and now appears to be in an active conspiracy. Now ethical discussions seriously address reducing green house gas emissions. The carbon fuel industry - as represented by API - is morally bankrupt. Jack Gerard, the president of the American Petroleum Institute, should resign immediately.
The carbon fuel industry continues to poison our future, yet seeks to increase our carbon consumption, and worse - now runs an AstroTurf scam to oppose energy reform. At no other time in history has one industry so blatantly and dangerously traded the future of all humans for a short term commercial gain of a few. This is worse than any industrial mass murder, this is global genocide. All the globe will suffer for their actions, including the fossil fuel industry leaders themselves - making their action both evil and stupid.
By their actions, they have lost their right to do any future business.

The only course now is for all carbon fuel industries to be immediately nationalized. Henceforth, carbon fuels should be used only for the manufacture and deployment of non-polluting energy systems. Any other use of carbon fuels should be severely regulated, restricted and heavily taxed. Only this scientifically ruthless action can address the pressing emergency need.
For decades, the fossil fuel industry has run a deceptive campaign of disinformation and delay. The problem is far, far worse because of their contemptible duplicity, misinformation and secret manipulation. The fossil fuel industry, as represented by API has lost the privilege of doing business-as-usual. They have corrupted our will and stolen the future of the planet.
With worsening climate changes looming - despite CO2 curbs, API should listen to its own members and stop promoting a carbon-caused doom.
Addendum 9-2010 This is the subject of serious ethical discussion.