This Blog is a response to a similar named site: energytomorrow.org
That other site is well-funded by API (American Petroleum Institute). I invite you to regard that site as carefully crafted public relations - expensive and masterful propaganda.
For my site, I am one fellow, very concerned about CO2 and global climate destabilization now and in our future. My motives are informational too. But mine come from anger and disappointment - that our situation is being actively ignored. My hope comes from a notion of ethical technology. My funding comes from my savings. My goal here is expression and dialog.

Please ask yourself what message they are delivering. I try to use less carbon based fuel - and I was happy there have been energy companies delivering energy in the past, but carbon based fuel has got to stop. Their web site seems to avoid that clear notion. Their messages all seem to be distilled down to "let's all keep using carbon fuels while we look for solutions" and "ignore scientists that say no more CO2". One way they do that is with a friendly promotion of all kinds of other ideas and hopes except the one they should promote - no more carbon emissions. And that should be right now, period. To burn coal and oil means that we are killing ourselves.
It looks to me like their budget for delivering this kind of message is pretty big. Exxon alone takes in over 1 (B)billion dollars per DAY - for profit of over $40 billion per year for that last few years. I would expect stockholders are asking to keep fattening the golden goose - no matter what the carbon emissions do to our future. And to do that, they have to promote the political idea that carbon emissions are OK. That's why they joined with other carbon fuel companies.
Please ask yourself about what they are trying to say, why they are sending this message, and please suspect that there is very, very serious funding of this opinion campaign. This is just supporting their gas and coal business. Nothing personal. But please question the wisdom of their business plan. Please make up your own mind.
Richard Pauli