Contrary to that Other Web Site
Presenting contrary arguments to Petroleum Industry propaganda site.
A study guide for interpreting that other web site

That other web site: - seems to have one purpose: to promote and secure the use of fossil fuels far into the future. This is a time when we are about to decide to stop further carbon dioxide emission. Our future depends on minimizing CO2 emmisions immediately.
For decades now, energy companies have funded PR campaigns that try to deny global warming, deny the science and actively inject confusion into the discussion. Now that the science is well settled - their tactic is changing. They accept that global warming exists, then dodge the question of whether it is clearly human caused or can be mitigated. Then they move directly to a message that might be re-stated as: “While we look for a solution, lets keep using oil and coal.” They ask us to ignore the more aproper action which is to immediately lower all usage, and halt all fossil fuel usage as soon as possible.
They craft a deceitful message saying they want to be part of the solution. Their strategy is to prolong the widespread use of carbon fuels. Right now all climate science and engineering dictates the only real solution is to halt all the CO2 emissions - and carbon fuel is the biggest source. Since the flow of carbon fuels is so highly profitable, their quandary is how to continue the heavy flow and heavy profits.

The way they choose to de-demonize their carbon commodity by connecting carbon fuels as the main way to save the economy - hence our future. And following classic propaganda principles, they will discuss alternative energy - but never permit the difficult discussion of the most daunting solution: the immediate halt to all carbon fuel combustion.
The Amercian Petroleum Institute is killing our future - just to extend theirs.
ExxonMobil alone delivered $40 Billion to stockholders last year. The API industry group spends millions on PR and marketing campaigns to keep the world burning carbon fuels and avoid facing the stark science of how CO2 damages our future. That is so wrong, so unethical, shameful and such horrible corporate behavior - but that’s probably just business - stockholders expect a full effort to keep profits flowing. Despite the science, they show little concern for dangerously increasing CO2 levels in the atmosphere. That’s not right.
As public policy better synchronizes with climate science, we can expect the petroleum industry to use new tactics to mold public opinion, forstall taxation and keep their trade moving. We might anticipate their messages such as “extending dialog”, “exploring all the solutions”, “energy for our future”, etc. All this as a way to deflect and delay anything that constrains their business.
“CEOs of fossil energy companies know what they are doing and are aware of long-term consequences of continued business as usual. In my opinion, these CEOs should be tried for high crimes against humanity and nature.” - Dr James Hansen to Congress 6-23-08
This is Planetary Treason. And they know it.
They know they should turn around. Shame Change now. |
Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas responsible for global warming and climate change. Like no other number, the monthly CO2 reading is an objective and current indicator of how we are doing. The number speaks for itself. |
“It’s all about questioning the science to gum up the works. The companies pose as if they are defending open debate and inquiry and are trying to make scientific data available to everyone. In reality, once they get the raw data, they spend the vast resources at their disposal to discredit independent research”
An excellent video is The Most Important Video You’ll Ever See
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